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Ecological nightclub opened in London

A nightclub in London called “Surya” claims to be the first ecological nightclub in the world. Among the aspects to make the nightclub eco is free admission for walkers and cyclists.
The club has a cool dance floor that produces electricity when the clubbers are dancing on it. The floor is based on something called piezoelectricity where crystals and ceramics generate electricity. Read more about piezoelectricity on Wikipedia.
Among other things that make the club more ecological are usage of solar panels, wind turbine, waterless urinals and low flush toilets.
The clubbers also have to sign a pledge that they will try to reduce their carbon emissions to help against global warming.

According to Reuters there is another concept in Netherlands called Sustainable Dance Club that says they will be the world’s first eco-club when they open a club in September since the London-based club is not fully sustainable.

Honestly this seems like a stunt from someone wanting to make a quick buck on all the environmental hype, but kudos to Andrew Charalambous (the owner of Surya) if he actually is able to make a difference.