Tag Archive for "grass"
Very cool news from Mexico! According this Reuters article Mexico City is planing to improve the environment by turning 9,300 square meters of publicly owned roof space each year with grass and bushes to help prevent global warming by absorbing CO2. The city will also offer tax reductions for companies or individuals who want to do the same with their buildings. Mexico City is known for all the pollution so I hope this will help the problem as nature really is the best at cleaning up our mess.
This is a really great initiative from the Major of Mexico City (he is also building bicycle paths and provide some car-free roads on weekends).
While reducing CO2 levels is important this could be taken to next level by using the same method to create urban gardening/farming. Think about all the food that could be produced on the top of buildings. With the rising prices of food this might happen without the help of the government since people will have to do it out necessity. Locally produced food also helps reducing CO2 since you don’t have to ship the food across the planet. Read more about urban gardening on this site.