Archive for January 2009
My latest knitting project is some striped black and purple wrist warmers. It can often be cold in the winter and it is nice with some wrist warmers when you work on the computer or do crafting.
The wrist warmers were supposed to be for myself, but alas I made them a bit too small so they ended up as a gift for a friend. She is very happy with them though 🙂
Here is a picture of the wrist warmers:
As I am living with two students I know how hard it can be to live with the small funds they receive during the time they study. They are both looking for alternative ways to make money like getting stray jobs and saving money in every possible way. Right now when the economy is in recession it is even harder for them to find money.
One way students can make money is by selling essays to Students can earn up to 176€ (about $228) for their written work. The essays can be in any language and, contain photos and graphics.
In addition to essays you can also submit other written articles like term papers and book reports.
When you are registered at the website you also get big discounts on buying other essays. You can also do bartering to get even cheaper solutions.
You can submit essays in categories such as art, economics, natural sciences and more. have a section on their website with the newest articles added to their site. There you can get an indication on what kind of essays they are interested in. They also have a section with free essays that can be helpful if you are very low on cash and need an essay.
Selling your written work seems like a nice idea if you need some relatively easy money.
I finished a new pair of ragg socks knitted from leftover yarn. These multi colored ones I knitted for myself since it has been pretty cold here lately (temperatures down to -18 C). I use socks like these every day during the winter so it is nice to have many pairs.
Here is a picture of the ragg socks. I have used them for a few days so that is why they look a bit old 😉