I found some more depressive news about our oceans. According to an article on discovery.com we are seeing increasing amounts of jellyfish in our oceans. Researchers believe the reason for this is overfishing and global warming.

The amount of jellyfish is a good indicator of how life in oceans change. The larger species feed on jellyfish and when these species are becoming less numerous the jellyfish are able to grow. Jellyfish also compete with other species about food sources like small fish and zooplankton so when there are large number of jellyfish in the ocean it is able to hurt the regrowth of other species.
One other reason that jellyfish is getting the upper hand is the rising ocean temperature as jellyfish are able reproduce for a longer period of time.

The growing numbers of jellyfish has been observed all over the world and especially in parts of the oceans where there is heavy fishing going on, like off the coast of Namibia.
I have also observed unusually large numbers of jellyfish here in Northern Norway. I hope this is a part of their natural circle and not a sign of a failing ecosystem..