Archive for September 2008

Wordless Wednesday – Autumn Fireweed

Rent a garage in London, UK

London is one of my favorite cities that I have visited. I have been there twice and had a really good time both times I were there. Sometimes I consider moving there for a year or two because it would be nice to live in a big city for a period of time.
What hit me in London was the enormous amount of cars driving around. If I were to move there I would probably have to get myself a car so I could get to work easily. Since I am from the countryside I would have to get out of London now and then when I get too fed up with the city life. Then a car would be perfect.

A problem with having a car in London is finding a parking space. A way to find a place to park your car is using a website called At their site you can search for London Garage for Rent. You can easily search for a garage space in the area of London where you live. Getting a garage space is secure and reliable, and you will never have to look for a parking space again, when you get home. A garage space is also pretty affordable compared to other ways of parking. also let you rent out your own space and can work as a broker if you want to sell a parking space.

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Make a forum for crafters

I have been thinking about making a forum for this blog where crafting people can discuss, you guessed it, crafting. A forum could make this site more interactive and more attractive for my readers.

A service where you can create a forum is They offer a lot of different forum options and the best is that you get a free forum. You get 1GB free space for files and you can have unlimited members and posts.
Sounds like a good idea if I decide to go through with my forum plans.

Here is another wash cloth that a friend of mine crocheted last week. I really like the combination of the blue and green colors, and the small triangle in the middle. She used cotton yarn to me the cloth so it wont shrink when it is used.
I need to make myself a few of these too, but blogging is keeping me away from crafting.

And here is a picture of the blue (and green) crocheted wash cloth:
Crocheted blue wash cloth

Website for American politics

Politics has been one my main interests since I was pretty young and I have been a little active in a political party called the Greens. I think it is important to take part in political discussions so one are somewhat a part of the democracy, as voting every second or fourth year, in my opinion, is not enough.

A website that lets you take part in discussing politics is Actual Politics. This is a mainly American website where registered users write political articles from their point of view. The website itself is neither liberal nor conservative, but let all voices be heard and it realize that writers never are subjective.
The way it works is that you register at their site (the registration process is very simple and worked flawlessly) and then you can start publishing articles. The editors has to approve your article before it ends up on the site.
As a reader you can rate the different articles by what kind of slant it has, the quality and if you agree or not with the content of the article. You can easily discuss each article as they are a linked to a forum that Actual Politics is running. In the forum you can connect with other people that are interested in discussing politics.

Actual Politics seems like a great site if you are interested in American politics and you want to read articles from all sides of the political spectrum.

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Picture of hand crocheted flute bag

One of my friends needed a some kind of protection for her flute. She decided to crochet a bag for the flute because it is easy and cheap, and it gives the flute a very personal look.
I love the principle of being somewhat self helped. If I should need something like a cooking stick it is so nice to be able to make it yourself instead of having to go to a supermarket buying cooking ware that everyone else has.
My goal is to learn more skills that can help me being self helped. Anyone know any good websites where they learn such skills?

Anyway, here is a picture of the flute bag and flute:
Hand crocheted flute bag

Finding the right and comfortable mattress

After I moved into my new home I have been sleeping on a cheap and thin mattress. Because of the lousy mattress my back has been hurting quite a bit. So now I have decided to invest in a quality mattress to fix this problem. After all, we spend a lot of time sleeping on a mattress so why not make it pleasurable. I am also worried that later in life I will get serious back problems if I sleep on a bad mattress.

A company selling some interesting mattresses is They are selling something called sleep comfort bed. It is basically adjustable mattresses that are made to best fit your body. With the help of wireless control you can simply adjust the mattress in what position you want it to be in. Some mattresses from also include a massaging system that sound very good for your back. Their mattresses come in many different sizes from a single bed to enormous king sized beds where you can sleep like a king.

With the mattress you get a lifetime warranty so one should not worry about the quality of the mattresses. You also get a 90 days to find out if you are really happy with the mattress. If you are not, you can simply return it within 90 days or swap it for another model.

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Five days ago I posted a picture of a ragg sock that I just had started to knit. Yesterday I finished one of the socks (takes a bit time for me to finish a knitting project because I am distracted by so much else), but it turns out my brain did not remember my old sock pattern and the sock turned out to be a bit too small for me. Yeah, I know I should have measured if the sock would fit me while I was knitting, but I was so sure I knew how many rounds I had to knit.
So I’m gonna give away the socks to a friend that has smaller feet. She was happy to get new socks so they are not wasted 🙂
Here is a picture of one of the socks. Just started on the other one.
Black and pink knitted socks